Adoration (currently Thursdays only from 9am-645pm)
Adoration is held on Thursday from 9:00am to 6:45pm in the Church. Volunteers are always needed to serve as adorers for one hour a week as well as substitute adorers willing to fill in when we have a need. (see church belltin)
Midnight to 6:00am: Maria Mata at (803) 270-0878 (Esp./Eng.)
6:00am-Noon: Sandi Sullivan at (803) 384-9556
Noon-6:00pm: Leilani Usry at (803) 202-0117
6:00pm-Midnight: Alina Pagano (803) 640-5886 (Esp./Eng.)
Knights of Columbus
An international fraternal service organization of Catholic men committed to serving the parish community, sharing their faith, and building fraternity among its members. Open to all Catholic men 18 or older.
Contact: Creighton Larson, Grand Knight
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Volunteers are sent forth from the liturgy with Holy communion to make their visits, eiter during the week or on the weekend. Trainig is provided.
Contact: Lynn Pownall: Ph: (706)-829-6525 Email:
We would like to invite you to join us at our monthly Ultreya meetings the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm.
Contact: Kristin Creed Ph: (803)-640-5220 Email:
Adult Formation
This group meets at 10:45am in Annex Room 3. Contact: Deacon Bob
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy Cenacle
2nd & 4th Tuesday of month from 10:00-11:00am in Annex Room #3.
Please contact Susan Jones at (706) 564-7235
Legion of Mary
The Legion makes its members better Catholics, by being involved is a
balanced program of prayer and service in union with the Holy Spirit
through Mary, Mother of the Church.
Wednesdays at 7:00pm in Annex Room #1
Please contact Eunice Elorza at (803) 200-7148